How to Structure Your Strength Training Workout According to Your Goals and Why
January 1 '25

How to Structure Your Strength Training Workout According to Your Goals and Why

Strong is currently having its ‘moment’, and we are here for it! We are advocates for every type of movement, whatever works for you, to enable you to pursue health and feel the best version of yourself. That said, strength training will always be a staple in my professional recommendation to everyone and anyone. Whether you are a keen runner, a dancer, or a keen yogi, strength training in some shape or form will be the foundation of movement, longevity and injury prevention.

Shin Splints and Running: Why it Happens and What to do About it
February 17 '23

Shin Splints and Running: Why it Happens and What to do About it

If you are a runner there is no doubt you have heard of shin splints, this frustrating injury causes pain along the shin bone (tibia). Perhaps, this injury delayed your marathon training or stopped you from attending the Park Run on Saturday morning. This wouldn’t be uncommon, as it is thought that around 35% of runners will experience this injury at some point in their training (1). Read on to find out what you can do about it!2

Is Running Bad for Your Knees?
November 1 '22

Is Running Bad for Your Knees?

If you are a runner, there is no doubt you have heard that running may be bad for your joints, and in particular the knees. Perhaps you are new to running and considering getting your running shoes out so that you can reap the many rewards associated with running, such as improved cardiovascular health or mood-boosting effects – to name a few (1). However, perhaps you have read online, or have been told, that running isn’t actually very good for your joints or knees? Confused? Let’s break it down.

So You're Injured, Now What?
September 12 '22

So You're Injured, Now What?

Getting injured, not being able to train at your full capacity, and having to pivot or put your goals on hold is no fun. But the reality is, if you participate in a sport, lift for long enough, even with good technique, or just engage in recreational activities like running, paddle-boarding, hiking etc, there is a chance you will experience some degree of injury at some point. It sucks, but that is the cold hard truth when it comes to leading an active lifestyle. So what to do when it, inevitably, happens? Read on to find out!

How to Build the Perfect Deadlift
February 2 '22

How to Build the Perfect Deadlift

When it comes to gym lifts the deadlift is often the most revered and being strong in the movement is highly sought after, and rightly so. There’s something incredibly primal, and quite frankly bad-ass, about being able to lift a heavy weight off of the floor. However, the pursuit of this lift [and many others] requires absolute confidence in your technique because the deadlift is often met with fear of injury, as people worry about hurting their backs. Personal trainer Adam Willis is taking us through how to [safely] build the perfect deadlift.