June 5 '22Do We All Need 8 Glasses of Water a Day?I’m sure we’ve all heard the advice to drink 8 glasses of water per day. But is this backed by evidence? Read on to find out!Maeve Hanan,
May 31 '22Action on StrokeA stroke, otherwise known as a cerebrovascular accident, or CVA, occurs when the blood supply to the brain is disrupted. Dr Nirja Joshi breaks down what to do if you expect someone is having a stroke and what we can do to reduce our own risk of having a stroke.Dr Nirja Joshi,
May 29 '22Intermittent FastingIntermittent fasting (IF) has been in the spotlight for the past few years. These diets are often promoted as boosting health, weight loss, and healthy ageing. But what does the evidence say? Registered dietitian Maeve Hanan investigates for us.Maeve Hanan,
May 29 '22Understanding MacronutrientsMacronutrients (A.K.A. ‘macros’) are the nutrients that our body needs in larger amounts. These are carbohydrates, protein and fat. Registered Dietitian Maeve Hanan is looking at each macronutrient in more detail in this article.Maeve Hanan,
May 26 '22Vaginal Discharge: What's "Normal" and What's NotIn this article, Dr Nirja Joshi goes through what 'normal' discharge looks like, how to spot signs of abnormal discharge and what to do about it.Dr Nirja Joshi,
May 19 '22The Lowdown on CystitisUTI stands for urinary tract infection. A UTI occurs when an infection (often caused by bacteria), affects the urinary tract. In this article, Dr Hazel Wallace breaks down the symptoms, the causes, the treatments, and more.Dr Hazel Wallace,
May 19 '22Inflammatory Bowel DiseaseGut-related symptoms are very common and something that is often seen by GPs. There are a whole host of conditions which could contribute to these types of symptoms from thyroid disease, to food intolerances, pancreatic issues, and so many more. In this article, Dr Nirja Joshi is exploring the relationship these symptoms have to IBD.Dr Nirja Joshi,
TodayNutrition Tips for Inflammatory Bowel DiseaseInflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a chronic, long-term condition involving inflammation of the gut. In this article, registered dietitian Maeve Hanan explores how nutrition can be used to support the symptoms of IBD.Kaitlin Colucci,
May 16 '22Nutrition and Stroke PreventionAs May is stroke prevention month, this article will outline the role nutrition can play in reducing the risk of a stroke.Maeve Hanan,
May 16 '22Confusing Things Trainers SayAs trainers we should be clearer and specify what we mean exactly when cueing a client, rather than just throwing some blanket trainer-saying out there and assuming it will be understood, and here, PT Adam Willis is doing just that with 3 of the most common confusing things trainers say.Adam Willis,
May 13 '22The Relationship Between Physical and Mental HealthWe talk about physical and mental health as two separate entities, but they are very closely interconnected and affect each other through a number of ways. Let's explore some of these ways.Dr Hazel Wallace,
May 11 '225 Ways to Support Someone with Coeliac DiseaseThis article has been written to raise awareness of Coeliac Disease during Coeliac Awareness Week starting 9th May 2022 with some key tips to help people be more understanding and supportive towards people with coeliac disease.Cristian Costas,
May 9 '22Step-Ups: A More Effective Way to Build Your GlutesFor some reason step-ups have gotten lost in the exercise pool when it comes to single leg work, with people favouring split squat variations, lunge variations, and single leg romanian deadlift variations instead. Adam Willis is here to explain why step-ups are actually just as effective.Adam Willis,
May 8 '225 Things Most People Don't Know About CoeliacThis article will highlight 5 key things most people do not know about coeliac disease in an attempt to raise awareness of the condition and help more people get diagnosed.Cristian Costas,
May 4 '22The Importance of Strength Training for RunnersIf you’re a runner, or thinking about pursuing a running goal, strength training should be an important part of your weekly training programme. Strength training is vitally important as it prepares your body for the rigours of your current running training, and your future runs. It’s what can and will keep you in the game, so to speak.Adam Willis,
May 1 '22Should You Aim for 30 Plants Per Week?This article will explore the advice that you should specifically aim for at least 30 different types of plants per week to boost gut health.Maeve Hanan,
April 25 '22What Footwear Should I Wear When Exercising?What footwear is the best to train in? Does it even matter? Is it CrossFit-style shoes? How about canvas shoes like Converse or Vans? What about minimalist shoes like Vivo Barefoot? Or perhaps you should be training without any shoes on at all? Adam Willis has the answers in this article.
April 24 '225 Nutrient Pairings for AbsorptionRead on to find out about 5 nutrient pairs that boost nutrient absorption, all broken down by registered dietitian Maeve Hanan.Maeve Hanan,