YesterdayManaging Stress for Your GutThis article will explore the intricate connection between stress and the gut, including some proactive steps that can make a big difference to your gut.Maeve Hanan,
September 15 '23What to Eat When You're SickIn this article, we'll explore the science-backed principles of nourishing your body during illness and debunk some common myths.Maeve Hanan,
September 10 '23How Physical Activity Can Benefit Gut HealthIt’s widely known that exercise is good for our health. However, in recent years the narrative has changed away from exercise being beneficial for only maintaining weight, but more importantly for improving our cardiovascular health, muscle strength and mental health. Even more interesting is the effect exercise can have on our gut health. Read on to find out how.Kaitlin Colucci,
September 3 '23Bloating: What's normal, what's not?Bloating is the term used when the abdomen (tummy) feels more distended than usual. In this article, we're exploring what causes it and some tips to help beat it.Maeve Hanan,
September 1 '23Food Allergy vs. Food IntoleranceThis article will explain these main differences and summarise key facts related to food allergies and intolerances.Dr Hazel Wallace,
August 27 '23Emotional EatingEmotional eating is something that most of us have experienced, but how severe and how frequent this is can vary a lot between different people or at different times in our lives. This article will explain what emotional eating really means and how we can respond to this in a compassionate and helpful way.Maeve Hanan,
August 20 '23How to Practice Body AcceptanceIf the thought of “accepting your body as it is” makes you squirm, you're not alone. You might have this reaction for several reasons: it may seem entirely out of reach, after a lifetime of criticising and rejecting your body. Or you may believe that accepting your body means you'll stop exercising or “trying to be healthy.” After all, diet culture encourages us to associate the main benefits of healthy behaviours with how it will shape and change your body's looks (1). In a world that often celebrates a specific body type or size, practising body acceptance can be challenging. But here's the good news: body acceptance isn't an unreachable ideal; it's a skill you can hone with practice.Adriana Blanc Tames,
August 13 '23Body Image: The Missing Link in HealthMost of us understand the importance of a balanced diet and regular exercise for improving health. However, what most of us, especially healthcare providers neglect to consider is body image. What is “body image” and how can we use it to promote healthy and long-lasting behaviour change?
August 6 '23What to do After a BingeThis article will explore how to best navigate the post-binge phase.Maeve Hanan,
July 30 '23What Your Need to Know About Gentle NutritionYou’re not alone if you have ever thought that Intuitive Eating is about eating chocolate and doughnuts all day and disregarding nutritious food choices. But this isn’t the case, in fact, an important part of the Intuitive Eating process is making food choices that meet your needs and promote health and feeling good without sacrificing taste and enjoyment. This part of intuitive eating is called gentle nutrition — let’s take a look at this principle in more detail.Maeve Hanan,
July 23 '23How to Structure Your Strength Training Workout According to Your Goals and WhyStrong is currently having its ‘moment’, and we are here for it! We are advocates for every type of movement, whatever works for you, to enable you to pursue health and feel the best version of yourself. That said, strength training will always be a staple in my professional recommendation to everyone and anyone. Whether you are a keen runner, a dancer, or a keen yogi, strength training in some shape or form will be the foundation of movement, longevity and injury prevention.Laura Hoggins,
July 16 '23How Nutrition Can Support DOMSWhether you’ve recently started working out, are a regular at the gym, or even an elite athlete, you will probably be familiar with delayed onset muscle soreness - better known as DOMS. This article will explore how your nutrition can improve and even reduce the likelihood of developing DOMS.Elle Kelly,
July 9 '23Powering Up with NutritionWhilst having a training plan is helpful for progressing in your strength training, nutrition can be the key to taking your performance and results to the next level. Nutrition plays a fundamental role in supporting performance, maximising muscle growth and enhancing recovery. This article will explore the fundamentals of nutrition for strength training and explore some supplements that may complement your hard work in the gym.Elle Kelly,
July 2 '23What Exactly is Foam Rolling and How You Should do it?The actual effects of foam rolling have been widely debated with some hefty claims that it can improve performance, reduce muscle soreness, speed up recovery, improve flexibility and range of movement, and release the fascia and trigger points in muscle tissue. Now, doesn’t that all sound amazing but is it too good to be true?Yasmin Palfrey,
June 25 '23PMDD: What is it?Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD) is a condition you may not have heard of before, as it is not often spoken about and it’s not very well understood PMDD is a cyclical, mood disorder with symptoms arising during the premenstrual, or luteal phase of the menstrual cycle and subsiding within a few days of menstruation. In this article, we're exampling what it is and ways to manage it's symptoms.2Dr Nirja Joshi,
TodayIs it Safe to Exercise on Your Period?Show of hands who used their period as an excuse to get out of P.E. in school? Guilty. Or perhaps you were been told by teachers, parents or school friends that it’s a bad idea to do any exercise during the bleeding phase of your cycle. In this article, we're busting that myth and explaining why.Dr Hazel Wallace,
June 11 '23Do Men and Women Sleep Differently?It is pretty much undisputed that sleep is essential for health, allowing us to rest and recover - physically, mentally and emotionally - and perform at our best. I am pretty confident that every single person reading this has experienced at least one bad night of sleep - and pretty confident that you felt pretty rotten the next day too? Needless to say, this is one aspect of our lifestyle we shouldn’t overlook. But is there a difference between how men and women sleep?Dr Hazel Wallace,
June 4 '23How Your Relationship With Food Impacts Your GutThis article will explore the connection between our relationship with food and our gut, and how fostering a positive relationship can support optimal gut health.Maeve Hanan,