How to Build the Perfect Deadlift
February 2 '22

How to Build the Perfect Deadlift

When it comes to gym lifts the deadlift is often the most revered and being strong in the movement is highly sought after, and rightly so. There’s something incredibly primal, and quite frankly bad-ass, about being able to lift a heavy weight off of the floor. However, the pursuit of this lift [and many others] requires absolute confidence in your technique because the deadlift is often met with fear of injury, as people worry about hurting their backs. Personal trainer Adam Willis is taking us through how to [safely] build the perfect deadlift.

Vegan Diet and Gut Health
June 20 '21

Vegan Diet and Gut Health

A vegan diet is defined as one that eliminates all animal foods and products such as meat, fish, shellfish, insects, dairy, eggs and honey. It is a plant-based diet which is rich in fruits, vegetables, wholegrains, nuts, seeds, beans and pulses, as well as other plant-based sources of protein such as tofu, tempeh, or meat alternative products. In this article, specialist dietitian Kaitlin Colucci is exploring the link between a vegan diet and gut health.